Tuesday, 18 November 2014

outfit of the day:)

hi everyone!  so today i thought i would share with you my outfit of the day, i really enjoy writing these type of posts because i love reading them myself! so if you're just as nosy as me then take a look!

coat- primark 
top-new look
scarf- primark
bag- river island 
leggings- missguided

eyebrows- seventeen brow pencil (brown)
soap and glory- supercat liner
lips- e.l.f - red berry

let me know if you prefer fashion posts in the comments below:)

kira x

Thursday, 6 November 2014

what to do when you have a bad day.

i wanted to do something a little different with this post today , i think that everybody has their down days and needs that boost of cheering up so i wanted to write this post for you all to Read when your down and unhappy:)

i don't think anyone can tell you how to be happy, only you know how to feel genuinely happy and its hard to figure out at first and when your feeling sad and like nothing is ever going to get better , i promise you it will:)
if its Someone that's making your life hell then get rid of them, don't waste your tears and thoughts on someone who doesn't deserve them! , from past experience i think its hard to pick yourself up when you're having one of those days so here is what i do when one of those days appear!

1. count your blessings
before you go to sleep at night think of everything you have to be grateful for because i can tell you one thing, someone out there hasn't got as much as you have, family ,friends, luxury items.
2. focus
- on everything that is going right in your life and not everything that is bad:)
3. music
no matter what mood i am i always listen to up beat songs, my go to song is (if it makes you happy- Sheryl Crow) try it!!
4. family
spend some time with your family or friends get out of the House and stop over thinking your problems:)
5. journal
one thing i found that helps me a lot if writing everything down, as soon as its on the paper  close the book or notepad and never look back at it:)
6. have a complete body clense
ive found that if im in bed all day eating junk food and watching films, feeling proper sluggish then get up and go for a walk, or try eating healthy for a few days i promise you feel 10 times better:)
7. tomorrow is a new day
ask yourself, is that problem youre worrying about today going to be worth worrying about in 5 years? also think tomorrow is a brand new day, a whole new 24hours to spend your day doing something completley different than what you were doing yesterday:)
8. dance
yes i actually mean DANCE around your room, as stupid as it sounds , get up out of bed blast your favourtie song and dance i promise you even if youre not feeling happy, your mood can change so quickly!
9. books
for me reading books that assure you can help a lot! here are my favourtie ones ive bought off amazon.
- you are loved
-you are blessed
- demi lovato- staying strong.
- reasons to be happy.
 you can find all those books when you type them into amazon:)

please let me know in the comments below things that make you happy when you're  having a down day:)

kira xo